The Chase!

The Chase!
Bronco & Joely (look at her ears!)

On Alert!

On Alert!
Looking for snowballs...

Bronco Boy

Bronco Boy
Having fun!


Catching some air & snowballs!


Coming, Mom!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Snow Fun!

It's finally come! That much anticipated first good snowfall of the year. I love the snow...I love the quietness that settles all around after a good snowfall. I love the sunshine on the snow. Makes for some fun snowplay with Bronco & Joely! Here are some photos of them having a ball!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Photos!

Just got pictures from "Meg's" family...take a look and tell me who you think Meg looks like! Gorgeous little girl! And so loved! It's so fun to see the puppies growing up and hearing stories about them...This made my day!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sharing a Quote

"They are our friends, our partners, our defenders, our pets. We are their lives, their loves, their leaders. They will be ours, faithful and true, to the last beat of their hearts. We owe it to them to be worthy of such devotion." - Unknown.

Take care of your dogs. Teach them how to be good family members. Don't feed them "junk" dog food. Take care of your dogs.

Just Joely

Just Joely

Flight of the Beagles!

Flight of the Beagles!